SJM Helps Comic Book Store Boost Sales Revenue

Digital Advertising
Web Design
Comic Book Store
Date Completed

The Challenge

The pandemic presented a major challenge for this 27-year-old comic book business, putting its very survival at risk. With traditional revenue streams drying up, the company desperately needed to find a way to generate income quickly through online revenue streams.

The Solution

With the help of SocialJack Media, this comic book store was able to launch its eCommerce website in just two days. The website quickly became a crucial aspect of the store’s operations, as online sales soon became a significant percentage of its revenue. With this new eCommerce website, the store was able to continue operating and serving its customers in a new and dynamic online environment.

The Results

  • From $0 to $135K ecommerce revenue in under 12 months
  • 782 orders placed
  • 1576 items purchased
  • $20K in monthly revenue as of January 2021

Project Images

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