SJM Uses PPC Campaign To Boost Impressions and Engagement for Dental Clinic

Digital Advertising
Dental Clinic
Date Completed

Project Overview

The goal of this project was to boost impressions and engagement through the implementation of a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign. The client, a dental clinic, aimed to reach top 1-40% income earners aged between 25 and 65 in 11 zip codes in Ohio, USA. With a budget of $2.89 per day, SocialJack Media was tasked with designing a targeted strategy that would effectively reach the desired audience and increase website traffic. The PPC campaign aimed to drive engagement and ultimately increase patient acquisition and revenue for the clinic.

The Results

  • 99,345 ad impressions delivered to target audience
  • 55 qualified visitors who clicked through on the ads
  • $0.89 was the average cost per thousand impressions

Project Images

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